Aktuelt nytt
The Sonatest FMC-TFM solution offers new sizing capabilities to all it VEO+ users.

FMC-TFM Software Update – NEW!
Sonatest is proud to announce that the VEO+ now gives access to the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) recording and Total Focusing Method (TFM) imaging technologies to its existing and growing customer base. Available via a simple software update, this complementary inspection technique is a significant addition to an already high value, high-performance portable toolbox. This shows how evolutive the platform is since its introduction and confirms the VEO+ being a smart and future-proof asset for the NDT professionals.
Complete Advanced Solution
Though Phased Array remains today the fastest, code compliant and affordable advanced ultrasonic NDT inspection technique; in certain conditions, TFM imaging can greatly optimise defect characterisation. With the ability to record and encode a complete FMC ultrasonic data set, the VEO+ not only complies with the traceability requirements; it also offers the possibility for further TFM imaging investigations using the new Sonatest UTstudio+ software analysis tools.
Sonatest FMC-TFM solution DEMO:
Sonatest er verdens tredje største produsent av UT-inspeksjonsutstyr og er anerkjent verden over for for kvaliteten på sine robuste og bærbare produkter.
Enten det dreier seg om konvensjonell, Phased Array eller FMC-TFM ultralydteknologi, har Sonatest løsninger for Non-Destructive Testing til mange bransjer, inkludert transport, romfart, kraftproduksjon og Olje- og Gass Industrien for å nevne noen.
Produktene brukes av flere verdensledende selskaper som Boeing, Airbus, Shell, Eon, Network Rail og er designet for å gi brukeren et kraftfullt verktøy som er enkelt å bruke og samtidig tåler de tøffe miljøene der NDT utføres.